Monday, August 3, 2009

For a very conservative interview (finance company), which is better, cap toe or plain dress shoes?

Sandals with white socks

For a very conservative interview (finance company), which is better, cap toe or plain dress shoes?
A plain dress shoe is always the best choice. Make sure they are polished.
Reply:Total conservative. I've hired for finance and office positions, and as a woman, if you show up with cleavage, open toed shoes or anything sexy, I will not hire you. I'm an attractive female, but I don't go to work and sure as heck not an interview, in anything that is remotely sexual. If your pretty or attractive, DOWN play it big time, as being too pretty hurts anyway, so make your self as plain as possible, or the men and women will NEVER respect you.

Here's a hint: Nothing "fashionable" you want classic and stuffy - the perfect out fit, IMO, is a black or dark blue navy suit, (not those short pant suits or tall boots over the pants) white or gold shirt under, totally buttoned up, and your hair down or in a low pony tail. Conservative make up, shoes and purse. Bring a black or dark colored binder with your resume and a notebook to take notes.

A high pony tail comes off to most like your flirting or don't take it seriously, open toed shoes or anything that makes you look more pretty that smart, just means to most your hear to flirt. Maybe you aren't, but don't start off on the wrong foot!

IF you want to answer the phones, dress young, pretty and sexy. If you want to work with people's money, dress like you mean it, not like your hear to chit chat. :)

Hope that helps!

acne scar

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